Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Liberals hate America,

Liberals hate America, it's really that simple. There can be no other explanation for their actions, past, present, and future.

Liberals elected an extreme narcissist to the potus (lower-case reflecting Bamroid's stature) who also has a hefty dose of displacement in his make (as do all liberals). The definition of "displacement" is the transmission an emotion from its previous or initial focal point to another person, situation, or item. The communists and the nazis used this well as do current dictators like Chavez (US is evil), Ahmadinejad (US is evil), and liberals (US is evil). Indeed, weak-minded liberals, who are insecure at their core and liars through and through use "displacement" to hide the truth (like tossing out a red herring) that makes the situation more palatable to their delusional grasp on reality. For example, take the Banking Queen, Dodd, and the liberals in general, and what they did during the meltdown. Blame Bush. Blame the GOP. Blame CEOs. Blame ANYONE or ANYTHING except who really did it. Frank, Dodd, and all of the liberals involved with Fannie and Freddie, i.e., Gorelick, David, etc. Perhaps worse than that was the GOP bending over and accepting the blame vice going after the libs with a vengeance. In another example, the geezer who shot the two guards in the Holocaust museum was referred to as a right-wing nut except it turns out that he's a SOCIALIST AND a anti-Jew, anti-Christian kook. Somehow, the Lapdog media missed that follow-up. The murderer of 60,000 babies gets whacked and sent to H*ll? Right wingers did it. BJ Bubba can't keep his zipper zipped? The vast Right Wing Conspiracy did it. Dan Blather called Dallas a city of hate and tried to pin JFK's assassination on the right but unfortunately, Oswald was a commie. If one reads through the Warren Report, Ol Earl blames it on a heavy concentration of Republicans in Dallas that FORCED Oswald to shoot Kennedy. Deep thinkers these libs. (For a great read on this subject, check out Goldberg's, "Liberal Fascism.")

Indeed, Reagan walks away from Reyjavik and the liberals freak out but the wall comes down. Reagan labeled a cowboy for it. Carter allows the Soviets to assassinate the US Ambassador in Kabul w/o even an angry note in protest and the liberals invite him to the DNC every year. Displacement at work. Reagan is baaaaaaaaaaaad, Carter is gooooooooooood. Wilson, the first REAL lib fascist cracks down on civil liberties but its all gooooooooood. Bush cracks down on terrorism and its baaaaaaad. FDR imposes a Ponzi Scam on us and its gooooooooood. Republicans want to reform it, that's baaaaaaaaaad. LBJ murders 50,000 GI's in a war he profited from (and lost) and that's gooooooooooood. Bush liberates two countries and whacks a bunch of bad guys and that's baaaaaaaaaad. Now the Goebbelesque Lapdog Media has assisted Comrade Barry to glom onto the Wilson-FDR-JFK-LBJ-Carter-BJ Bubba myth of competent liberal leadership with a fervor that is only topped by Ms. Riefenstahl, Hitler's main propagandist.

Anyone else see the pattern here? Something bad happens and the libs blame someone or something else...FAST! The Lapdog media moves in like greased lightning to muddle the waters instead of exposing it. Liberals hate America because they politicize things like JFK's assassination to make the GOP somehow complacent in it. They hate America when, as Rahmbutt the Ballerina Emmanuel stated: "You never want a good crisis to go to waste." In other words, screw the people suffering in the crisis, let's use it to gain more power. To implement our dream of socialism. What an a**stain. To the leftist vermin, "the end justifies the means," they screw the people, and the Lapdog Media gets the assist by blaming the GOP, right-wingers, the VRWC, etc.

Liberals hate America because they fail to subscribe to the American Dream. They simply refuse to take care of themselves, their needs, their issues, and then they compound THAT by failing to comprehend why they should HAVE to take care of themselves. They seek, need, and want a cradle-to-grave government cared for existence and they want it for US as well, whether we like it or not. THAT is the height of their arrogance and hatred. Anything not "blessed" off on by a government bureaucrat is baddddddddddd. They embraced an idiot by the name of Martin Sheen who PLAYED a potus on the tube and a spokeswoman named Cindy Sheethead, and gave comfort and aid to our enemies in a time of war, something they've been doing since the 60's. Liberals hate America. They must because they rooted for the enemy to WIN in Iraq merely to get back at Bush. The NY Obama Times routinely gives our enemies the benefit of the doubt while excoriating Bush, Cheney, the Right, the military, and all things American. Hollywood, chock full of limo-libs, could not make enough movies (that failed miserably at the box office) showing the troops to be evildoers and the peace-loving terrorists only sawed off heads because they were forced to. Oh yeah, and movies that called Bush a liar, evil, stupid, etc. Liberals seek safety, security, and government succor by any means necessary and in doing that, they eschew freedom, liberals, and their own individuality, as won for them by our Founding Fathers and legions of veterans since 1776. Sam Adams nailed liberals to the tree with this quote: "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!" Please libs, go from us ASAP. You disgust us.

The hatred of America by liberals is no more evident when they denounce America every day, with every breath, exuding hatred for us'ns in "flyover country" even as they travel where they want to, buy what they want to, live as they want to, speak out as they want to, whine, bleat, and moan like they want to, and they can't understand that America has provided this for them! They hate anyone who disagrees with their socialist vision of a utopia in America, where every ill, need, want, desire, yearning, craving, etc, is catered to by the government, is immediately attacked as a racist, a hater, someone who refuses to support Dopey, heedless to the EIGHT YEARS they scumbagged, obfuscated, and blocked Bush! The hatred of the liberals knows only one solution and that is, their fellow travelers to control our government forever. Why else would Dopey and crew seize the census? In order to gerrymander districts to rig the vote. Unamerican. The epitome of the liberal hatred towards America and Americans. Real Americans that is.

George Bush was NOT a Conservative but rather, a RINO. Libs should have loved him like they love McShamnesty, Snowe, Collins, SPECTURD, etc, but they hate him. Why? Bush, for all of his faults, made his decisions based on reason not polls (like BJ Bubba did and Dopey now does) and he actually TOOK the blame for things, exemplifying personal responsibility and accountability (something the Left flees from), and he extolled God and stated he actually prayed! OH THE HUMANITY! The hatred of Bush by the libs reaching epidemic proportions and they actually named it BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome). The liberals successfully "displaced" Bush and thus were able to take the focus off of their failed policies dating back to FDR! The liberals implemented "Plan Displacement" and were able to remain safely in their cocoon, free from any analysis, or examination of their beliefs, values, or actions, and could snipe at Bush from sidelines, like third-stringers do. Even Waxman helping terrorists in Fallujah with Code Pink sailed under the radar. But when they put their spikes on, they're weak. Comrade Barry is the perfect example of that and more. Indeed, the idiot is STILL on the campaign trail! Playing potus.

The bottom line is that liberals hate America because they refuse to see the difference between good and evil. The Democrats not only embrace vermin like Mikey Mooreon, they invite him to their convention and seat him next to Jimmy the Dhimmi! They embrace scum like Cindy Sheethead and pseudo-American Indian Ward Churchill, both of all of whom hate America. Comrade Barry could not wait to release classified stuff to the enemy and then Nazi Pelosi openly attacks the CIA. Liberals hate America. Just ask yourself WHO SUPPORTS: NO prayer in school, h0m0s serving openly in the military, reparations, h0m0 weddings, NAMBLA, ACLU, bestiality, legalized drugs, freeing criminals like Tookie and Mumia, cRap music, impeaching Bush, blaming Bush for 9/11, scumbagged the US military (ABSCAM Murtha), protested the War in Iraq (before, during, and after), election fraud via ACORN, no drilling, no new refineries, no drilling in ANWR, no nuclear power plants, a "gradual" rise in gas prices, etc, etc, ad nauseum? Liberals do, that's who. Liberals hate America, and they hate what it stands for. Liberals are pro-abortion, pro-death, pro-gay, pro-enemy, and anti-Constitution. They don’t love freedoms, they embrace slavery. Liberals don't see America as the "shining city on the hill," they see it as the dungeon that mistreats: h0m0s, blacks, minorities, women, the poor, the homeless, the weak, the stupid, the lazy, etc. To libs, we're greedy imperialists who go around the world bullying other countries in their own self interest and therefore, must be punished. WE. MUST. SUFFER. And if we fall in the process, good.

In closing, there is a rising movement of Americans and patriots who are dedicated and rededicating themselves to America and are working to save this nation from the leftist vermin. We MUST reject the lies and disinformation that is the modern liberal movement as practiced by Comrade Barry and ABC (All Barry Channel) News, now broadcasting from the White House like Pravda, along with NBC (Now Barry Channel) and CBS (Continual Barry Surveillance) news pushing the rookie like a demigod. Quite the switch from their coverage of Bush! We must continue to resist the left through endorsing Conservatives in politics, joining Tea Parties (the left HATES THEM), vocalizing our distaste of the current regime, and refusing to hold our noses for the GOP RINOS anymore. As Ghandi stated: "First they ignore us, then they laugh at us, then they fight us, then we win!" We're already at the fighting stage when clowns like Comrade Barry try to order private citizens like Dr Basso to the White House because Basso did a "Tom Paine" video excoriating Barry. Get used to it Jug Ears, our dander is up.


  1. Liberals hate America,
    Liberals hate America, it's really that simple. There can be no other explanation for their actions, past, present, and future.

    Let's see, Liberals fought for their country in all America's wars, a Democratic President presided over victory in WWII, [Nixon OTOH, was the president when that helicopter lifted the last people off the rooftops as we got out of Vietnam.] LBJ, Democrat, signed the Civil Rights Act, which allowed American citizens with a dark pigmentation to enjoy the same Constitutional rights as all Americans. There are many, many more examples. But perhaps it is because you are very, very young and not conversant with American history that you posted such a silly, false statement.

    When you grow up and do some real study about American history, you'll find that Republicans and Democrats, liberals, conservatives have all contributed something to this country, and that only someone who is blindly partisan would make such a dumb statement as the one you published here.

    My cousin is disabled from his service in the Vietnam war, and he's a Liberal.

    He was also a Marine. I'd love to see you tell him to his face that he hates America. Even in his wheelchair and with his disability, he'd wipe the floor with someone who denigrated his service and his loyalty to America.

  2. Then it's about time you woke up and smelled the crap thats going on..
